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Onboarding for Your Entire Company

Once you’re comfortable with ThrottleNet, we’ll make sure your entire staff is, too. We have developed an onboarding process that sets both our team and our clients up for success. This process isn’t just for us. We designed it for you.

After we complete our initial discovery and assessment of your IT infrastructure and security needs, we will take the time to inform and educate you about the specific challenges you and your network are facing. We’ll give you clear recommendations complete with expected outcomes so you know where your roadmap ends. Our easy online approval system makes it easy for you to choose which options to move forward to the next phase: Onboarding. Not just for you and your network, but for your entire company.

We’ll introduce ourselves to your entire staff, show them the various ways to contact us for support, and train everybody on best practices for ‘digital hygiene’ to avoid common security risks. Have a closer look at ThrottleNet’s onboarding process below.

Once the onboarding process is complete, the only thing remaining is world-class IT and unwavering support for your team and network. Are you ready for better IT services, solutions and security? Fill out the contact us form or give us a call today.

Contact Us Call: 314-227-2628

Our Five Step Process

This morning I notified Throttlenet that I was unable to log into our VPN. This time I contacted them via a remote connection request rather than a phone call. I heard. back from the tech quickly and after a few minutes he was able to determine the problem and give me instructions on how to reconnect. Everything is working! Great job Throttlenet! 

-Shirley K
Office workers next to each other working

Find out How We Support Your IT Everything

Don't wait for your next IT crisis. Contact us today for a free on-site consultation & security report to evaluate your business’s IT security needs.

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