Welcome to this TN Alert. Join Director of Sales, Chris Montgomery, as he discusses the latest type of phishing attack, brand phishing. Users can come across these sites while browsing the web and they look identical to brand websites, and these threeats continue to grow during the COVID_19 pandemic as people are frequently banking online, purchasing online, and more. Learn what to look for and how to protect yourself from brand phishing.

Recently Check Point Research, a leading provider of cyber Security Solutions globally, published their brand fishing report for the first quarter of 2020. This report highlights the brands most imitated by cybercriminals in their attempts to steal personal information and payment credentials. Brand phishing attacks are when a cybercriminal tries to imitate the official website of a well-known brand using a similar domain name or URL as well as using a site design that looks almost identical to the brand site they're imitating. Links to these sites are then sent by text or email to unsuspecting individuals.
In addition, users may stumble across a site like this when web browsing since most search engines will pre-populate based on the website it thinks you're looking for. Once on the site, it may ask you to login which then provides your credentials or it may ask you to fill out a form containing both personal and financial information.
So far this year Apple was the brand most frequently imitated by cybercriminals going from seventh place in the fourth quarter of 2019 to first in the first quarter of this year. This means that Apple comprised 10% of all brand phishing attempts as bad actors look for creative ways to leverage brand recognition in their attacks with Netflix coming in second at nine percent followed by Yahoo at 6%. Rounding out the top ten were WhatsApp, PayPal, Chase, Facebook, Microsoft, eBay, and Amazon.
The most likely industry Target for brand phishing attacks was Technology followed by Banking and Media. This illustrates the diversification of some of the most well-known and widely use consumer sectors particularly during the current pandemic requiring individuals to work remote as they grapple with potential changes to their finances as well as an uptick in streaming home entertainment services.
Of the different types of attacks, the web was first with 59 percent of all phishing attacks being conducted via fraudulent websites. This was followed by mobile at 23% and finally email at 18%. Needless to say this comes surprise since most would assume emails the primary method of phishing attacks. When in reality, it's impersonated brand sites where most data is compromised.
Phishing will continue to be a growing threat in the coming months. Especially as criminals continue to exploit the fears and needs of people using essential services from their homes.
Thank you for joining me for this TN Alert. If you would like more information on how ThrottleNet can help protect against phishing attacks. Please reach out to us today at 866-829-5557 or visit us online at
Video Transcript
My name is Chris Montgomery and welcome to this TN Alert.Recently Check Point Research, a leading provider of cyber Security Solutions globally, published their brand fishing report for the first quarter of 2020. This report highlights the brands most imitated by cybercriminals in their attempts to steal personal information and payment credentials. Brand phishing attacks are when a cybercriminal tries to imitate the official website of a well-known brand using a similar domain name or URL as well as using a site design that looks almost identical to the brand site they're imitating. Links to these sites are then sent by text or email to unsuspecting individuals.
In addition, users may stumble across a site like this when web browsing since most search engines will pre-populate based on the website it thinks you're looking for. Once on the site, it may ask you to login which then provides your credentials or it may ask you to fill out a form containing both personal and financial information.
So far this year Apple was the brand most frequently imitated by cybercriminals going from seventh place in the fourth quarter of 2019 to first in the first quarter of this year. This means that Apple comprised 10% of all brand phishing attempts as bad actors look for creative ways to leverage brand recognition in their attacks with Netflix coming in second at nine percent followed by Yahoo at 6%. Rounding out the top ten were WhatsApp, PayPal, Chase, Facebook, Microsoft, eBay, and Amazon.
The most likely industry Target for brand phishing attacks was Technology followed by Banking and Media. This illustrates the diversification of some of the most well-known and widely use consumer sectors particularly during the current pandemic requiring individuals to work remote as they grapple with potential changes to their finances as well as an uptick in streaming home entertainment services.
Of the different types of attacks, the web was first with 59 percent of all phishing attacks being conducted via fraudulent websites. This was followed by mobile at 23% and finally email at 18%. Needless to say this comes surprise since most would assume emails the primary method of phishing attacks. When in reality, it's impersonated brand sites where most data is compromised.
Phishing will continue to be a growing threat in the coming months. Especially as criminals continue to exploit the fears and needs of people using essential services from their homes.
As always we encourage users to be vigilant and cautious when divulging personal data.
Thank you for joining me for this TN Alert. If you would like more information on how ThrottleNet can help protect against phishing attacks. Please reach out to us today at 866-829-5557 or visit us online at
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