Is your conference room up to date? Do you have the latest A/V equipment or are you still trying to get by with older analog devices and outdated whiteboards?

Tom Madsen, Regional Vice-President of AVI Systems, visited TNtv to discuss the latest trends in audio and visual presentations, and how a lack of modern technology could be keeping you from attracting today’s tech savvy talent.

About AVI Systems

AVI has an extensive history and experience in all things audio/visual. The firm was founded 40 years ago in one office in Bismarck, North Dakota. It now has 16 offices and 460 employees.

The firm has progressed from the days of slide projectors to today’s modern meeting space where the focus is on rich media and distance learning.

Madsen said most companies should change their meeting space and environment about every seven years. When office leases expire it becomes a good time to reconfigure all of a firm’s technology and related systems.

One of AVI’s main areas of focus is to help companies transition from analog equipment to new digital devices. Many of the old projectors are not compatible with newer PCs. Those that can connect only receive poor quality, low resolution images.

Uses & Benefits of A/V

Madsen said many of his clients are using new A/V as a recruiting tool. He indicated that a lack of modern presentation equipment can negatively impact a firm’s efforts to attract today’s tech savvy workforce.

These young workers are used to wireless devices that are clean and fast.

Outdated office environments can be a real detriment to getting the best talent available.

Madsen added the major benefit of newer A/V is its use as a learning tool. It helps us capture and retain information. High quality visuals greatly assist in this process adding understanding to what was said. Now ideas can be exchanged more swiftly and efficiently with a greater amount of retention.

These newer A/V devices enable a company to use PowerPoint, website applications and enrich their presentations with dynamic materials.

The entire meeting can also be archived, closed it in a file and sent it to anyone who was not able to attend. The presentation need not disappear when it is over.

In the future Madsen says there will be more collaborative decision making. This includes more creation from engineers, architects and software developers to design systems where workers huddle together and create ideas around enriched media.

He also said there is a demand for larger digital displays. Some of these displays go beyond 50 inch screens and cover entire walls. Retailers and others are using this large signage to attract one’s attention and drive their messaging.

For more information AVI can be contacted at or 314-647-0009.


Watch the full episode below!