Category Archives: Security

Explore essential security insights with ThrottleNet. Learn about cybersecurity best practices, data protection, and strategies to keep your business safe.

Gone Phishing: What Businesses Need to Know About the Newest Phishing Tactics

If you’ve followed high-profile cases of cybercrime over the past few years, you’ve likely heard [...]

It’s the End of the Year: Is Your IT Department Ready for 2022?

Cybercrimes aren’t going away in 2022, and cybersecurity for small businesses is a pressing issue. [...]

5 Things to Remember When Shopping Online

Online shopping is a great way to find the best deal on various items. The [...]

Can Your IT Company Protect Against Data Breaches? How You Can Tell

November started off with a great opportunity for businesses to learn more about data security, [...]

How to Stay Protected on Social Media in the Aftermath of the Facebook Data Leak

Social media is a great way to connect with people and stay up to date [...]

Prioritizing Cybersecurity in a Hybrid Workplace

The hybrid workplace is here to stay, and for employees, this means relying on connected [...]

Why You Should Consider a Career in Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is one of the hottest sectors today, with new threats and challenges emerging each [...]

3 Fundamentals for Shoring Up Phishing Defenses

Despite often being overlooked in terms of hype, phishing has been a mainstay in the [...]

Prepare for a Cyberattack: 5 Telltale Signs Your Business Is a Target For a Cybersecurity Breach

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, small businesses have been increasing their efforts to [...]